New Year! New Space! Here is your video virtual tour for the new theatre! We hope you enjoy it as much as we did filming it! Thank you so much to the Coleman family and Everspring church for being our temporary host for the past year and a half! We cannot tell you how much we appreciate you sharing your space with us! For everyone that wants to help – we have multiple ways you can! There will be a sign up genius going out for Saturday and Sunday for things such as painting, building, cleaning and costume and prop sorting. We also have an amazon wish list:…
where you can find a million things we are going to be needing for the new space! AND we are also looking for anyone who has any of the following just hanging around that they would be willing to donate: Small flat screen tv’s , Ipad’s,Desktop computer, Printer, Shredder, Any shelving, Sofas and chairs, End tables, Tall lamps, Table lamps, Keurig, Keyboards, and a Dolly. Or, anything on our Amazon wish list that you happen to have laying around that you never use! Please let us know if you have anything you are able to donate or send the theatre an Amazon gift for the new year!!! OH – and everyone that painted that guitar with us last year – we would LOVE to do a whole room in those paintings if you would like to donate them – make sure you sign your painting first please!


We are so excited and can’t wait to give you all an in-person tour as well! Thank you again for all of your love and support on The Griffin Theatre journey!